At the heart of music is something that everyone experiences in one form or another: emotions. It’s this emotional connection to music that has led to it being such a widespread medium for self-expression, from Beethoven to Bon Iver. Beyond the surface, though, there are some very tangible benefits of instrument playing that pertain either directly or indirectly to the brain. That’s why you should start looking for Guitar Lessons in Austin.
The benefits of playing an instrument can be categorized as physical, mental, or social which are all derived from the fact that music gives such direct access to the brain itself. Here are a few reasons why:
Increased Focus and Attention
Besides being a useful means of focusing on one’s task, some people have reported that listening to music is better for certain cognitive functions such as concentration which can translate to more effective study and writing. This study suggests that the benefits of listening to music may come from an increase in the heart rate and blood flow which is bound to increase oxygen levels in the brain.
Improved Memory
With so much information to process in a day, it is important to have a variety of tools for remembering things. In one study, participants were found to remember more about an event when they had previously heard the music they liked at that event. The participants were found to be better at recollecting information about the music (specifically the lyrics) than about the rest of the event.
Musicians are constantly developing new skills, expanding their creative horizons, and learning about themselves. Your brain develops in a multitude of ways when you learn a musical instrument. It strengthens your communication & listening skills and it also helps the memory function better.
Improved Social Interactions
Many people find that playing an instrument can help them interact more productively and socially with others. The steady practice of holding a conversation with someone else, be it in real life or over a chat, helps increase familiarity with new people and can improve social skills overall.
Improved Stress Management
The ability to manage stress is not only important for the health of the individual, but also for a variety of professional scenarios that require steady performance. Music has been shown to reduce levels of stress hormones and to increase levels of endorphins which are natural feel-good chemicals in the brain. This means that playing an instrument can lead to reduced physical and emotional pain, as well as improved quality of life overall.
Perhaps the best thing about playing a musical instrument is the way it makes you feel. You’ll feel happier, more productive, and calmer than ever before (especially if you play during meditation). You’ll be a more creative person, and your approach to life will be less jaded and more optimistic. Most importantly, you’ll feel loved and valued by those around you.
Improved Conditions for Learning
Playing an instrument is a great way to learn how to play a new song or work on improving one’s skills. The long-term effects of playing an instrument can help improve “executive functions” which are the evolved cognitive abilities that come from the prefrontal cortex, including attention, memory, spatial abilities, planning, and more. In the past years, there has been a surge of research on how musical activity impacts the brain.
Playing an instrument will also help in improving your memory. In the beginning, you will struggle to memorize tunes. This is because you are only familiar with the words of a tune and not the actual music notes that make up the melody and rhythm. As you progress, you will start to memorize music notes instead of just listening to what’s being played in front of you to learn how it sounds.
Good For Health
Playing an instrument can improve your physical health in many ways, like strengthening both of your hands and arms, improving muscle tone in the rest of your body, increasing lung capacity (you’ll be breathing a lot more during practice!), and improving heart and ear health.
The instrument you choose to play can make a big difference too. For example, a stringed or woodwind instrument can work your fingers and arms, while brass instruments can improve breathing and stamina.
It’s Good For Those Around You
Even if you don’t know it, everyone around you is affected by your music playing. The sounds you make can have a powerful effect on both yourself and those around you: whether calming or uplifting, they can inspire or calm people in many different ways.
You can even play a song for someone to help cheer them up, get them through a hard day at work, or just to help them fall asleep at night. You could even make someone’s day by sending a sweet love song. And if you’re playing an instrument in public, people around you will appreciate it more than they know.
Unlocks Creativity
In music, creativity comes naturally to most people because of their need to express emotions. Quite often when we hear something that we like, the emotional part of our mind puts it into words and a melody. Sure, this can be done through writing or singing, but playing an instrument makes you able to express your feelings without using words.
Playing a musical instrument might seem like an impossible hobby, but the benefits are worth investing the time and the effort. Learning a new instrument is usually challenging and exciting at the same time.
Music Can Reduce Pain
Researchers found that music can lower the perception of pain and play a role in anesthetization. They exposed participants to various types of music via headphones while they were subjected to experimental heat pain. The subjects said they felt less pain when they listened to Bach than when listening to silence or pop music.
This suggests that music may affect pain perception in a similar way to drugs. Further studies have taken this idea further and found that music can be used as a pain medication. If you’d like to learn to play an instrument, you can check out
Band Aid School of Music
2309 Thornton Road Suite E Austin TX 78704
(512) 730-0592
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